Vikings 2007/2008 - Top: Peter V, Johannes, Yi Fan, Hugo, Aaron, Stian, Pete the Swede, Mads, Andreas, Sebastian, Liu Jiabao, Mikael. Down: Ole, Kim, Kasper, HC, Eddie, Velux, Natan, Teemu and Eskil.
I've made a lot of new Scandinavian friends that I will miss. I would like to thank you all guys for the team spirit and the way you received me.
Now, as a reward for the good performance, I have the two promised nordic girls to take with me to Portugal. Anybody interested? No one? Have to throw them away?! :)
I 've learned that:
- The Vikings spirit still exists;
- If you are 30, from denmark, and you are not married in your birthday, u'll get pepper in the eyes;
- There are diferences between danes, finish, swedish and norwegian;
- You always need to look up;
- Not all of them have blue eyes and blonde hair;
- There are people still trying to find out if they are norwegian or swedish;
- The most important danish word is: "Skål" (cheers);
"Winning isn't everything"